IoT Enabled Smart Maintenance

A connected intelligence platform powering your industry assets to improve overall operational eciency, and increased asset availability

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IoT Enabled Smart Maintainance

iSteer’s SmartFlo platform enables your organization in capturing a plethora of information from devices and helps you in gaining strategic actionable insights, to sustain and grow competitive advantages. Shift from Run-to-Failure and preventive maintenance to smarter maintenance solutions has become easy now with TIBCO along with Elite partner, iSteer. Together we oer complete solution for managing the devices, edge shift, real time data capture, and predictive analytics. Using the platform’s data science capabilities your organization can plan for procure to pay in advance with predictive inspection feature.

The cost of downtime in industries including manufacturing, aviation, energy exploration, utilities, and telecom is staggering.

Analysis of real-time and historical data about an asset can spot issues that might lead to the failure of a part or device. Compared to calendar-based asset replacement, SmartFlo is much more eective at preventing downtime, while getting the maximum life out of a part or piece of equipment.

SmartFlo’ s connected intelligence can detect a potential problem. The platform’s intelligence is used by an out-of-box alarm management system, alerts can be sent before problems occur, and corrective action based on information derived can be delivered to those charged with maintaining equipment.

Tap into SmartFlo framework, data analysis, and device management and inspection workflows to stop problems before they start

Why iSteer?

iSteer: Your Trusted Global Technology Services Partner
iSteer is a renowned IT services and digital transformation solutions company with delivery centers across North America and Asia. Our team includes seasoned product engineers, architects, and designers who collaborate to provide specialized services, including product development, data management, application maintenance and management, integration, and automation. We prioritize delivering exceptional customer experiences and significant business impact through our approach.

Expertise in Digital Transformation

iSteer’s technology team has extensive expertise in defining, building, and delivering data-driven, digitally-enabled solutions that drive transformative human interactions, ensuring adherence to quality, budget, and schedule. We are committed to delivering best-of-the-breed digital transformation solutions that empower our customers to transform their businesses and better serve their customers.

Unmatched Subject Matter Expertise and Scale

iSteer brings unparalleled subject matter expertise, scale, and efficiencies that increase speed to market. Our shared culture and pedigree of delivering demonstrable change enable connected digital enterprises, and we pride ourselves on providing customized digital transformation solutions for each client's unique business needs.
Choose iSteer as your trusted global technology services partner for transforming your business. Our experienced team, technical expertise, and customer-centric approach helps you unleash your full potential, meet your business goals, and achieve success.